Monday, October 6, 2008

How time flies

It is just amazing to me how much stuff Victoria understands now. She is starting to have little "mini-conversations" and understands a lot of things that I say to her.

Yesterday we went to the park and she looked at me, motioned for me with her hand and said, "Mommy! Mere! (come here)"

Then today when I was taking her to Rachel's before class she said,
Victoria: "Mommy!"
Me: "What baby?"
Victoria: "I see puppies?"
Me: No not right now, the puppies are at home. We are on our way to see Karis and Brielle.
Victoria: Ble-elle!!! (Brielle)

It may not seem like much to you, but I just think it's amazing! I never thought I would enjoy this age, but put aside all the tantrums and this is really a cool age because I can actually interact with my child and talk to her as if she was a little adult!

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